Tar Heel Reader

Photo Credits

Many thanks to Flickr and the fine photographers who took and shared the pictures you see in these books. We only use pictures that have been shared with the Creative Commons license and those with no known copyright. You may click on photo credits link in any book to link to the pages on Flickr for the photos. Of course, the pictures remain the property of photographers who took them and all the restrictions they placed on their use still apply.

If you object to the use of your pictures in these books for kids with disabilities, just let me know and I’ll take the book down.

To see the credits for any book, click the Settings  menu in the upper right and select More, the link will be near the bottom of that page.

Vamos al zoo! / Let's Go to the Zoo!

Click on the links below to go to the Flickr page for each photograph.

 Uploaded Un día en el zoo
 Uploaded Mi familia y yo estamos en el zoo. Hay mucho que ver, oír, saborear, oler, y tocar.
 Uploaded Mamá ve un animal con un cuello largo. ¿Qué podría ser?
 Uploaded ¡Una jirafa!
 Uploaded Hermano oye un animal que suena como una trompa. ¿Qué podría ser?
 Uploaded ¡Un elefante!
 Uploaded Hermana saborea algo frío y dulce. ¿Qué podría ser?
 Uploaded ¡La limonada!
 Uploaded Papá huele un animal un poco apestoso. ¿Qué podría ser?
 Uploaded ¡Un zorrillo!
 Uploaded Yo toco un animal suave y blanco. ¿Qué podría ser?
 Uploaded ¡Una oveja!
 Uploaded Se hace tarde. Los animales tienen sueño. Nosotros tenemos sueño también.
 Uploaded Adiós, animales! Adiós, zoo! Nos vemos pronto.
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