Tar Heel Reader

New Features

I updated the site today with several new features for your book making and reading enjoyment.

  1. Switch access when reading a book uses the same keys as PowerPoint. Go to the next page with space, right arrow, down arrow, page down, or the letter N. Go back a page with backspace, left arrow, up arrow, page up, or the letter P.
  2. You can set the background and font color on books you read.
  3. Adding the tag Spanish to a book causes it to be read with a Spanish voice.
  4. Books now have page numbers
  5. Red arrows on the next and previous page links provide a bigger target for readers using touch screens
  6. The title index lists all books alphabetically by title.
  7. You can save a book as a draft so you can work on it in multiple sessions. If you have any drafts you’ll see them on the front page, on the right, under the heading “Unpublished books”.

I hope you enjoying using Tar Heel Reader. Keep those suggestions for improvements coming.

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