Tar Heel Reader

New Features

By popular demand you can now upload your own images to Tar Heel Reader without going through Flickr. I recommend using Flickr but if you have some pictures that are important to your reader but are inappropriate for Flickr, feel free to put them here. The upload process is a bit tricky because of the way browsers implement the file upload process. On Firefox I click on the browse button or in the file name field and an open file dialog opens. In Firefox 3 the dialog shows a preview of images making it easier to find what you want. Then when you find an image you want to upload, click on it and click the open button at the bottom of the dialog. It is not uploaded yet! Now you have to press the upload your own image button. After a delay your picture will appear on a book page. You can mix your own pictures with those from Flickr.

Also, I’ve added a Find another book button at the end of each book.

Let me know if you see any bugs.

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