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Step 1: Find pictures

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Enter words to search Flickr or enter the email address you use at Flickr to see your personal photos. A set of pictures from Flickr will appear; click on one to preview.

No matching images found.

No matching email address found.

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Or upload your own pictures

Do not upload SymbolStix or other images unless you have permission from the copyright holder.

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Click browse to find an image on your computer, then click upload to add it to your book. Pictures must be less than 2 megabytes in size to properly upload. They will be resized to 500x500 pixels.

Step 2: Enter a short sentence for each page

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Click on a page to edit it. You may reorder the pages with drag and drop.

After you select or upload pictures your pages will appear here.

Step 3: Fill in the details

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Fill in the title for your book and select its language from the list. You may use a psuedonym if you wish by changing the author field.

Categorize your book

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You may select up to three library categories, an audience rating and BLF type if you wish.

Library Classification:

Step 4: Publish

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To continue working on your book later, or to remove it from public view, click Save as draft. You will be able to return it from the Your Books page. To publish your completed book, click Publish.

Your book will not be published until you fix these issues.

It must have a title.

It must have an author.

Each page must have some text.

The text on each page must be less than 130 characters in length.

It must have at least 3 pages.

It must specify the language.

It must be in no more than 4 categories.

You must check that you have permission to use uploaded images.

Your book has been saved as a draft.